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Standard (Full-Size)
Description: Largest handguns, offers better grip, control and accuracy.
Barrel Lengths: 4.5” - 5.5”
Magazine Capacity (rounds): 15-20
Height: 5.5” - 6.5”
Use: Military, open carry, law enforcement, home defense, shooting competition

Description: Upper end of concealed carry, smaller than standard, concealed carry in bulkier clothing
Barrel Lengths: 3.5” - 4.5”
Magazine Capacity (rounds): 12-15
Height: 4.5” - 5.5”
Use: Self-defense, larger concealed carry, backup/off-duty law enforcement

Description: Most popular concealed carry, good concealment. Difficult with larger hands. Barrel Lengths: 3” - 3.5”
Magazine Capacity (rounds): 6-10
Height: 4” - 4.5”
Use: Common concealed carry, backup

Description: Maximum concealment, good for pocket or purse
Barrel Lengths: Less than 3”
Magazine Capacity (rounds): 5-6
Height: Less than 4”
Use: Best concealment, backup

9mm - The most popular caliber in the world. The 9mm offers modest recoil, high-capacity magazines and solid stopping power.

40 S&W - The .40 S&W offers more power than the 9mm and less recoil than the 10mm or .45 ACP leading to many law enforcement agencies switching to the .40 S&W in the 1990s.

.45 ACP - Nostalgia, combined with bone crunching power. Preferred by many for home defense. It will knock down any intruder but comes at the expense of serious recoil.

10mm - A cartridge similar to the .45 ACP. The larger sized shells limit magazine size but the stopping power is a big step up from a smaller cartridge.

.380 ACP - The .380 ACP is smaller in size, energy and stopping power but it is an excellent option for concealed carry.

.32 ACP - The .32 ACP is small but still packs enough punch in a micro-compact pistol for serious consideration.

.22 Magnum – A rimfire cartridge that is inexpensive and can stop an intruder at close range.

Concealed carry indoors is different than in a more open setting. Choosing the right handgun that fits your profile, hand size and shooting ability is vital. Standard pistols are hard to conceal and micro-compacts are not as accurate. Finding the right pistol for your possible shooting situation is a first step.

Determining the caliber, the accuracy and the magazine size is the next step in selecting the right handgun. Heavier calibers pack more energy meaning greater stopping power. Recoil can be a problem with sub and micro-compacts. A compact is often the best choice for most shooters.

The most popular caliber for concealed carry is the 9mm Luger. It is a popular cartridge in the Glock 19, the leader in concealed carry worldwide. The Smith & Wesson Shield, Springfield Armory Hellcat and Taurus GX4 are also popular compact pistols using the 9mm cartridge. A popular alternative to 9mm for people looking for less recoil is the Canik TP9 which is also offered in the lighter weight .380 caliber.