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ID 1238724 | MPN EZ-3
MTM Case-Gard

MTM EZ-3 Target Thrower w/ Pivot Arm


MTM EZ-3 Target Thrower w/ Pivot Arm - The EZ-3's new "Power Pivot Arm" makes sending clays easier than ever before. People who normally lack the arm strength for a hand held target thrower suddenly find themselves swinging clays as true as the big boys. Split-second trajectory changes, no mechanical adjustments, means hours of challenging, fast paced shooting fun. at a price, less than a box of birds. The EZ-3's "POWER PIVOT ARM" with comfort grip handle makes sending clays easier than ever before People who normally lack the arm strength for a hand-held target thrower suddenly find themselves swinging clays as true as the seasoned throwers Split-second trajectory changes, with no mechanical adjustments, means hours of challenging, fast paced shooting fun.
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MTM EZ-3 Target Thrower w/ Pivot Arm


MTM EZ-3 Target Thrower w/ Pivot Arm
by MTM Case-Gard


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MTM EZ-3 Target Thrower w/ Pivot Arm - The EZ-3's new "Power Pivot Arm" makes sending clays easier than ever before. People who normally lack the arm strength for a hand held target thrower suddenly find themselves swinging clays as true as the big boys. Split-second trajectory changes, no mechanical adjustments, means hours of challenging, fast paced shooting fun. at a price, less than a box of birds. The EZ-3's "POWER PIVOT ARM" with comfort grip handle makes sending clays easier than ever before
People who normally lack the arm strength for a hand-held target thrower suddenly find themselves swinging clays as true as the seasoned throwers
Split-second trajectory changes, with no mechanical adjustments, means hours of challenging, fast paced shooting fun.


Color Red
Model EZ-3


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