Game Blinds
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When you're hunting, staying concealed from game is one of your highest priorities. Ground blinds can help conceal not just you, but your hunting buddies and your equipment as well. Choose a ground blind that will match the terrain you'll be hunting in so that game will not not be able to see you as you set your targets. At Sportsman's Warehouse, we sell ground blinds from Ameristep, Primos, Shadow Hunter Blinds, Muddy Outdoors, and other trusted manufacturers. Certain ground blinds are designed specifically for bow versus rifle hunting, or for particular types of game. Be sure to check the specifications to get the most out of your new ground blind.
There are two basic types of hunting blinds: pop-up blinds and solid blinds. Solid blinds are often heavy and difficult to transport, and they are meant for hunters who are shooting from a consistent position throughout the season. These solid blinds are very sturdy, can keep you warm through the winter, and can be placed on a higher elevation to help give you a better vantage as well. If you will be changing positions throughout the season, you'll want to opt for a pop-up blind, which comes with soft sides. As the name implies, pop-up blinds are easy to set up and take down quickly. They are light to transport, and many come with straps to be worn like a backpack.