Casting Rods
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Casting rods are made to be used with casting reels, and are known for their greater power and precision. Our rods have line guides attached below the rod, feeding your line from the spool of the reel with little resistance. You can choose between a pistol grip handle, which offers a finger rest for the index finger, or a longer handle that will allow you to cast with both hands. If you're casting with heavier baits, targeting a species that is known to put up a fight, or fishing through dense vegetation, the power of a heavy duty casting rod is right for you.
At Sportsman's Warehouse, we offer casting rods from the best manufacturers in the industry, including Shimano, St. Croix, Daiwa, and Shakespeare. Set yourself up with one of these and take to the water to bring in your next walleye, pike, musky, catfish, carp, or whichever species you've got your eye on!